Marcel Andrejko

Add SSH private key to the ssh-agent

Next command doesn't work on Win11's PowerShell:

ssh-add ~/.ssh/{private_key_file}

Trying to execute previous command ends with error:

~/.ssh/{private_key_file}: No such file or directory

So, the right way to add ssh private key to the ssh-agent is: firstly you must navigate to folder containing private key and then add private key to ssh-agent

cd ~/.ssh
ssh-add {private_key_file}

Add SSH private key to the ssh-agent

Next command doesn't work on Win11's PowerShell:

ssh-add ~/.ssh/{private_key_file}

Trying to execute previous command ends with error:

~/.ssh/{private_key_file}: No such file or directory

So, the right way to add ssh private key to the ssh-agent is: firstly you must navigate to folder containing private key and then add private key to ssh-agent

cd ~/.ssh
ssh-add {private_key_file}


  • Keys/Certificates
  • Windows 11

CertiUtil: How to import .pfx certificate from Win11's command line

certutil -p CertificatePassword -importPFX "c:/path/to/CertificateFile.pfx"

CertiUtil: How to import .pfx certificate from Win11's command line

certutil -p CertificatePassword -importPFX "c:/path/to/CertificateFile.pfx"


  • Keys/Certificates
  • Windows 11
  • How to...

CertiUtil: How to import .cer certificate from Win11's command line

certutil [options] -addstore {CertificateStoreName} {CertificateFile}


certutil -addstore -f "My" "c:/path/to/CertificateFile.cer"

Option -f stands for "Force Owerwrite"

CertiUtil: How to import .cer certificate from Win11's command line

certutil [options] -addstore {CertificateStoreName} {CertificateFile}


certutil -addstore -f "My" "c:/path/to/CertificateFile.cer"

Option -f stands for "Force Owerwrite"


  • Keys/Certificates
  • Windows 11
  • How to...